
379 lines
8.8 KiB

package chip8
import (
const graphicsBufferSize = 64 * 32
type Chip8 struct {
addressRegister uint16
beepTimer byte
drawRequired bool
delayTimer byte
graphics [graphicsBufferSize]byte
keys [16]byte
memory [4096]byte
opcode uint16
pc uint16
registers [16]byte // an array - has a fixed length
stack []uint16 // a slice - basically a c++ vector
// we can't have const arrays in go
// This is a good a solution as any
func getLetters() []byte {
return []byte{
0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xF0, // 0
0x20, 0x60, 0x20, 0x20, 0x70, // 1
0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, // 2
0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, // 3
0x90, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x10, 0x10, // 4
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, // 5
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, // 6
0xF0, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x40, // 7
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, // 8
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x10, 0xF0, // 9
0xF0, 0x90, 0xF0, 0x90, 0x90, // A
0xE0, 0x90, 0xE0, 0x90, 0xE0, // B
0xF0, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xF0, // C
0xE0, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0xE0, // D
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, // E
0xF0, 0x80, 0xF0, 0x80, 0x80} // F
func NewCHIP8(prog []byte) *Chip8 {
cpu := Chip8{pc: 0x200}
memory_slice := cpu.memory[:80]
copy(memory_slice, getLetters())
memory_slice = cpu.memory[200:]
copy(memory_slice, prog)
// Do some extra checking to ensure the right
// Stuff is copied
return &cpu
func (cpu *Chip8) GetGraphicsBuffer() [graphicsBufferSize]byte {
cpu.drawRequired = false
func (cpu *Chip8) DrawIsNeeded() bool {
return cpu.drawRequired
func (cpu *Chip8) TickTimers() {
if cpu.delayTimer > 0 {
if cpu.beepTimer > 0 {
func (cpu *Chip8) zeroIndexOpcodes() {
if cpu.opcode == 0x00E0 {
// fuck it the gc can do the hard work for us = [64 * 32]byte{}
cpu.drawRequired = true
} else if cpu.opcode == 0x00EE {
// what if there's nothing in the stack?
// return something sensible
cpu.pc = cpu.stack[len(cpu.stack)-1]
cpu.stack[len(cpu.stack)-1] = 0
cpu.stack = cpu.stack[:len(cpu.stack)-1]
func (cpu *Chip8) goTo() {
cpu.pc = cpu.opcode & 0x0FFF
func (cpu *Chip8) callSubroutine() {
// Call subroutine at 0x2NNN
cpu.stack = append(cpu.stack, cpu.pc)
cpu.pc = cpu.opcode & 0x0FFF
func (cpu *Chip8) skipIfRegisterEqual() {
// 3XNN
// If register x == NN skip next instruction
r := (cpu.opcode) >> 8 & 0x0F
if cpu.registers[r] == byte(cpu.opcode&0xFF) {
cpu.pc += 2
func (cpu *Chip8) skipIfRegisterNotEqual() {
// 4XNN
// If register x != NN skip next instruction
r := (cpu.opcode) >> 8 & 0x0F
if cpu.registers[r] != byte(cpu.opcode&0xFF) {
cpu.pc += 2
func (cpu *Chip8) skipIfRegistersEqual() {
// 5XY0
// If register X == register Y skip next instruction
x, y := (cpu.opcode>>8)&0x0F, (cpu.opcode>>4)&0x0F
if cpu.registers[x] == cpu.registers[y] {
cpu.pc += 2
func (cpu *Chip8) setRegisterTo() {
// 6XNN
// Set register X to NN
r := (cpu.opcode >> 8) & 0x0F
cpu.registers[r] = byte(cpu.opcode & 0xFF)
func (cpu *Chip8) registerPlusEqualsNN() {
// 7XNN
// register X += NN (carry flag not set)
reg := (cpu.opcode >> 8) & 0x0F
cpu.registers[reg] += uint8(cpu.opcode & 0xFF)
func (cpu *Chip8) bitOpsAndMath() {
instruction := cpu.opcode & 0x0F
regX, regY := cpu.opcode>>8&0x0F, cpu.opcode>>4&0x0F
switch instruction {
case 0:
// 8XY0
// Assign value of register Y to register X
cpu.registers[regX] = cpu.registers[regY]
case 1:
// 8XY1
// Set register X to x|Y
cpu.registers[regX] = cpu.registers[regX] | cpu.registers[regY]
case 2:
// 8XY2
// Set register x to X&Y
cpu.registers[regX] = cpu.registers[regX] & cpu.registers[regY]
case 3:
// 8XY3
// Set register x to X^Y
cpu.registers[regX] = cpu.registers[regX] ^ cpu.registers[regY]
case 4:
// 8XY4
// Set register x to X+=Y (Set VF to 1 when there's a carry and 0 if not)
res := cpu.registers[regX] + cpu.registers[regY]
if res > 0xFF {
cpu.registers[0x0F] = 1
} else {
cpu.registers[0x0F] = 0
cpu.registers[regX] = res & 0xFF
case 5:
// 8XY5
// Set register x to X-=Y (Set VF to 1 when there's a carry and 0 if not)
res := cpu.registers[regX] - cpu.registers[regY]
if res > 0xFF {
cpu.registers[0x0F] = 1
} else {
cpu.registers[0x0F] = 0
cpu.registers[regX] = res & 0xFF
case 6:
// BXY6
// Store lsb of reg X in reg F and then shift reg X >> 1
cpu.registers[0x0F] = cpu.registers[regX] & 0x01
cpu.registers[regX] >>= 1
case 7:
// 8XY57
// Set register x to X=Y-X (Set VF to 1 when there's a carry and 0 if not)
res := cpu.registers[regY] - cpu.registers[regX]
if res < 0 {
cpu.registers[0x0F] = 0
} else {
cpu.registers[0x0f] = 1
cpu.registers[regX] = res & 0xFF
func (cpu *Chip8) skipIfRegistersNotEqual() {
x, y := (cpu.opcode>>8)&0x0F, (cpu.opcode>>4)&0x0F
if cpu.registers[x] != cpu.registers[y] {
cpu.pc += 2
func (cpu *Chip8) setAddressRegister() {
// Sets the address register to NNN
cpu.addressRegister = cpu.opcode & 0x0FFF
func (cpu *Chip8) jumpToV0PlusAddress() {
// PC=V0+NNN
cpu.pc = uint16(cpu.registers[0]) + (cpu.opcode & 0x0FFF)
func (cpu *Chip8) setRegisterToRand() {
// Vx = rand() & NN
cpu.registers[(cpu.opcode>>8)&0x0F] = byte(cpu.opcode&0xFF) & byte(rand.Intn(256))
func (cpu *Chip8) displaySprite() {
// Draws a sprite in the graphics buffer
// VF is set to 1 if any pixels are flipped and zero otherwise
cpu.registers[0x0F] = 0
x := int(cpu.registers[(cpu.opcode>>8)&0x0F])
y := int(cpu.registers[(cpu.opcode>>4)&0x0F])
for row := 0; row < int(cpu.opcode&0xF); row++ {
pixel := cpu.memory[int(cpu.addressRegister)+row]
for column := 0; column < 8; column++ {
if pixel&(0x80>>column) != 0 {
graphicsPosition := x + column + ((y + row) * 60)
if[graphicsPosition] == 1 {
cpu.registers[0xF] = 1
}[graphicsPosition] ^= 1
cpu.drawRequired = true
func (cpu *Chip8) skipOnKeyOpcodes() {
opcode := cpu.opcode & 0xFF
key := cpu.registers[(cpu.opcode>>8)&0x0F]
switch opcode {
case 0x9E:
// EX9E
// skip if key X is pressed
if cpu.keys[key] != 0 {
cpu.pc += 2
case 0xA1:
// EXA1
// skip if kkey X is not pressed
if cpu.keys[key] == 0 {
cpu.pc += 2
func (cpu *Chip8) fifteenIndexOpcodes() {
instruction := cpu.opcode & 0xFF
reg := int(cpu.opcode>>8) & 0xF
switch instruction {
// FX07
// Set VX to the value of the delay timer
case 0x07:
cpu.registers[reg] = cpu.delayTimer
case 0x0A:
// FX0A
// block + wait for key press
found := false
for i, val := range cpu.keys {
if val != 0 {
cpu.registers[reg] = byte(i)
found = true
if !found {
cpu.pc -= 2
case 0x15:
// FX15
// Set delay timer to VX
cpu.delayTimer = cpu.registers[reg]
case 0x18:
// FX18
cpu.beepTimer = cpu.registers[reg]
case 0x1E:
// FX1E
// Add VX to the address register
// Set VF to 1 when range overflow
if int(cpu.registers[reg])+int(cpu.addressRegister) > 0xFFF {
cpu.registers[0x0F] = 1
} else {
cpu.registers[0x0F] = 0
cpu.addressRegister = uint16((int(cpu.addressRegister) + int(cpu.registers[reg])) & 0xFFF)
case 0x29:
// FX29
// Sets address register to location of char stored in VX
cpu.addressRegister = uint16(cpu.registers[reg]) * 5
case 0x33:
// FX33
// Stores BCD representation of VX
cpu.memory[cpu.addressRegister] = cpu.registers[reg] / 100
cpu.memory[cpu.addressRegister+1] = (cpu.registers[reg] / 10) % 10
cpu.memory[cpu.addressRegister+2] = cpu.registers[reg] % 10
case 0x55:
// FX55
// takes values from and including reg X and stores then in memory
for i := 0; i <= reg; i++ {
cpu.memory[int(cpu.addressRegister)+i] = cpu.registers[i]
case 0x65:
// FX65
// takes values from memory and stores them in registers
for i := 0; i <= reg; i++ {
cpu.registers[i] = cpu.memory[int(cpu.addressRegister)+i]
func (cpu *Chip8) PerformCycle() {
var opcode uint16 = (uint16(cpu.memory[cpu.pc]) << 8) + uint16(cpu.memory[cpu.pc])
cpu.pc += 2
switch opcode >> 12 {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 0xA:
case 0xB:
case 0xC:
case 0xD:
case 0xE:
case 0xF:
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Hello world!\n")
prog := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4}
new_cpu := NewCHIP8(prog)
fmt.Printf("%d\n", new_cpu.opcode)