
694 lines
15 KiB

* Should
* Copyright(c) 2010 TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca>
* MIT Licensed
* Module dependencies.
var util = require('util')
, http = require('http')
, assert = require('assert')
, AssertionError = assert.AssertionError
, statusCodes = http.STATUS_CODES
, eql = require('./eql')
, i = util.inspect;
* Expose assert as should.
* This allows you to do things like below
* without require()ing the assert module.
* should.equal(foo.bar, undefined);
exports = module.exports = assert;
* Library version.
exports.version = '0.5.1';
* Assert _obj_ exists, with optional message.
* @param {Mixed} obj
* @param {String} msg
* @api public
exports.exist = function(obj, msg){
if (null == obj) {
throw new AssertionError({
message: msg || ('expected ' + i(obj) + ' to exist')
, stackStartFunction: should.exist
* Asserts _obj_ does not exist, with optional message.
* @param {Mixed} obj
* @param {String} msg
* @api public
exports.not = {};
exports.not.exist = function(obj, msg){
if (null != obj) {
throw new AssertionError({
message: msg || ('expected ' + i(obj) + ' to not exist')
, stackStartFunction: should.not.exist
* Expose api via `Object#should`.
* @api public
Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'should', {
set: function(){},
get: function(){
return new Assertion(this);
configurable: true
* Initialize a new `Assertion` with the given _obj_.
* @param {Mixed} obj
* @api private
var Assertion = exports.Assertion = function Assertion(obj) {
this.obj = obj;
* Prototype.
Assertion.prototype = {
* HACK: prevents double require() from failing.
exports: exports,
* Assert _expr_ with the given _msg_ and _negatedMsg_.
* @param {Boolean} expr
* @param {String} msg
* @param {String} negatedMsg
* @api private
assert: function(expr, msg, negatedMsg){
var msg = this.negate ? negatedMsg : msg
, ok = this.negate ? !expr : expr;
if (!ok) {
throw new AssertionError({
message: msg
, stackStartFunction: this.assert
* Dummy getter.
* @api public
get an() {
return this;
* Dummy getter.
* @api public
get and() {
return this;
* Dummy getter.
* @api public
get be() {
return this;
* Dummy getter.
* @api public
get have() {
return this;
* Dummy getter.
* @api public
get with() {
return this;
* Negation modifier.
* @api public
get not() {
this.negate = true;
return this;
* Get object inspection string.
* @return {String}
* @api private
get inspect() {
return i(this.obj);
* Assert instanceof `Arguments`.
* @api public
get arguments() {
'[object Arguments]' == Object.prototype.toString.call(this.obj)
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be arguments'
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not be arguments');
return this;
* Assert that an object is empty aka length of 0.
* @api public
get empty() {
0 === this.obj.length
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be empty'
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' not to be empty');
return this;
* Assert ok.
* @api public
get ok() {
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be truthy'
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be falsey');
return this;
* Assert true.
* @api public
get true() {
true === this.obj
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be true'
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' not to be true');
return this;
* Assert false.
* @api public
get false() {
false === this.obj
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be false'
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' not to be false');
return this;
* Assert equal.
* @param {Mixed} val
* @param {String} description
* @api public
eql: function(val, desc){
eql(val, this.obj)
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to equal ' + i(val) + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not equal ' + i(val) + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert strict equal.
* @param {Mixed} val
* @param {String} description
* @api public
equal: function(val, desc){
val === this.obj
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to equal ' + i(val) + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not equal ' + i(val) + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert within start to finish (inclusive).
* @param {Number} start
* @param {Number} finish
* @param {String} description
* @api public
within: function(start, finish, desc){
var range = start + '..' + finish;
this.obj >= start && this.obj <= finish
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be within ' + range + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not be within ' + range + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert typeof.
* @param {Mixed} type
* @param {String} description
* @api public
a: function(type, desc){
type == typeof this.obj
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be a ' + type + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' not to be a ' + type + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert instanceof.
* @param {Function} constructor
* @param {String} description
* @api public
instanceof: function(constructor, desc){
var name = constructor.name;
this.obj instanceof constructor
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be an instance of ' + name + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' not to be an instance of ' + name + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert numeric value above _n_.
* @param {Number} n
* @param {String} description
* @api public
above: function(n, desc){
this.obj > n
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be above ' + n + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be below ' + n + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert numeric value below _n_.
* @param {Number} n
* @param {String} description
* @api public
below: function(n, desc){
this.obj < n
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be below ' + n + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to be above ' + n + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert string value matches _regexp_.
* @param {RegExp} regexp
* @param {String} description
* @api public
match: function(regexp, desc){
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to match ' + regexp + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' not to match ' + regexp + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert property "length" exists and has value of _n_.
* @param {Number} n
* @param {String} description
* @api public
length: function(n, desc){
var len = this.obj.length;
n == len
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to have a length of ' + n + ' but got ' + len + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not have a length of ' + len + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert property _name_ exists, with optional _val_.
* @param {String} name
* @param {Mixed} val
* @param {String} description
* @api public
property: function(name, val, desc){
if (this.negate && undefined !== val) {
if (undefined === this.obj[name]) {
throw new Error(this.inspect + ' has no property ' + i(name) + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
} else {
undefined !== this.obj[name]
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to have a property ' + i(name) + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not have a property ' + i(name) + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
if (undefined !== val) {
val === this.obj[name]
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to have a property ' + i(name)
+ ' of ' + i(val) + ', but got ' + i(this.obj[name]) + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not have a property ' + i(name) + ' of ' + i(val) + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
this.obj = this.obj[name];
return this;
* Assert own property _name_ exists.
* @param {String} name
* @param {String} description
* @api public
ownProperty: function(name, desc){
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to have own property ' + i(name) + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not have own property ' + i(name) + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert that `obj` is present via `.indexOf()`.
* @param {Mixed} obj
* @param {String} description
* @api public
include: function(obj, desc){
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to include ' + i(obj) + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not include ' + i(obj) + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert that an object equal to `obj` is present.
* @param {Array} obj
* @param {String} description
* @api public
includeEql: function(obj, desc){
this.obj.some(function(item) { return eql(obj, item); })
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to include an object equal to ' + i(obj) + (desc ? " | " + desc : "")
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not include an object equal to ' + i(obj) + (desc ? " | " + desc : ""));
return this;
* Assert that the array contains _obj_.
* @param {Mixed} obj
* @api public
contain: function(obj){
console.warn('should.contain() is deprecated, use should.include()');
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to contain ' + i(obj)
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not contain ' + i(obj));
return this;
* Assert exact keys or inclusion of keys by using
* the `.include` modifier.
* @param {Array|String ...} keys
* @api public
keys: function(keys){
var str
, ok = true;
keys = keys instanceof Array
? keys
: Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
if (!keys.length) throw new Error('keys required');
var actual = Object.keys(this.obj)
, len = keys.length;
// make sure they're all present
ok = keys.every(function(key){
return ~actual.indexOf(key);
// matching length
ok = ok && keys.length == actual.length;
// key string
if (len > 1) {
keys = keys.map(function(key){
return i(key);
var last = keys.pop();
str = keys.join(', ') + ', and ' + last;
} else {
str = i(keys[0]);
// message
str = 'have ' + (len > 1 ? 'keys ' : 'key ') + str;
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to ' + str
, 'expected ' + this.inspect + ' to not ' + str);
return this;
* Assert that header `field` has the given `val`.
* @param {String} field
* @param {String} val
* @return {Assertion} for chaining
* @api public
header: function(field, val){
.have.property(field.toLowerCase(), val);
return this;
* Assert `.statusCode` of `code`.
* @param {Number} code
* @return {Assertion} for chaining
* @api public
status: function(code){
var status = this.obj.statusCode;
code == status
, 'expected response code of ' + code + ' ' + i(statusCodes[code])
+ ', but got ' + status + ' ' + i(statusCodes[status])
, 'expected to not respond with ' + code + ' ' + i(statusCodes[code]));
return this;
* Assert that this response has content-type: application/json.
* @return {Assertion} for chaining
* @api public
get json() {
* Assert that this response has content-type: text/html.
* @return {Assertion} for chaining
* @api public
get html() {
* Assert that this function will or will not
* throw an exception.
* @return {Assertion} for chaining
* @api public
throw: function(message){
var fn = this.obj
, err = {}
, errorInfo = ''
, ok = true;
try {
ok = false;
} catch (e) {
err = e;
if (ok) {
if ('string' == typeof message) {
ok = message == err.message;
} else if (message instanceof RegExp) {
ok = message.test(err.message);
if (message && !ok) {
if ('string' == typeof message) {
errorInfo = " with a message matching '" + message + "', but got '" + err.message + "'";
} else {
errorInfo = " with a message matching " + message + ", but got '" + err.message + "'";
, 'expected an exception to be thrown' + errorInfo
, 'expected no exception to be thrown, got "' + err.message + '"');
return this;
* Aliases.
(function alias(name, as){
Assertion.prototype[as] = Assertion.prototype[name];
return alias;
('length', 'lengthOf')
('keys', 'key')
('ownProperty', 'haveOwnProperty')
('above', 'greaterThan')
('below', 'lessThan');