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Jack Hadrill 2022-01-30 00:36:58 +00:00
parent f378a93bae
commit 4241d4545c
1 changed files with 80 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -186,106 +186,125 @@ function calculateDomainSeparation (combinedData: number[][], parsedMessageLengt
* @param associatedData The associated data to encrypt.
* @param nonce A 128 bit nonce.
* @param key A 128 bit encryption key.
* @returns The ciphertext.
* @returns The encrypted ciphertext.
export function cryptoAeadEncrypt (message: number[], associatedData: number[], nonce: number[], key: number[]): number[] {
// Buffer for ciphertext.
const ciphertext = []
// Reset state and counter.
let state = zeroedBuffer(16)
let counter = resetCounter()
// Carve message and associated data into blocks.
const parsedMessage = parse(message, 16)
const parsedMessageLength = parsedMessage.length - 1
const messageBlocks = parse(message, 16)
const messageBlockCount = messageBlocks.length - 1
const parsedAssociatedData = parse(associatedData, 16)
const parsedAssociatedDataLength = parsedAssociatedData.length - 1
const associatedDataBlocks = parse(associatedData, 16)
const associatedDataBlockCount = associatedDataBlocks.length - 1
// Concatenate the parsed message and the associated data, excluding each array's first element.
const combinedData = parsedAssociatedData.slice(1).concat(parsedMessage.slice(1))
// Concatenate the message and associated data blocks, excluding each array's first element.
const combinedDataBlocks = associatedDataBlocks.slice(1).concat(messageBlocks.slice(1))
// Insert empty array at position 0.
combinedData.splice(0, 0, [])
combinedDataBlocks.splice(0, 0, [])
// Calculate domain separation for final encryption stage.
const domainSeparation = calculateDomainSeparation(combinedData, parsedMessageLength, parsedAssociatedDataLength)
const domainSeparation = calculateDomainSeparation(combinedDataBlocks, messageBlockCount, associatedDataBlockCount)
// Pad combined data.
combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength] = pad(combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength], 16)
combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength] = pad(combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength], 16)
combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount] = pad(combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount], 16)
combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockCount] = pad(combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockCount], 16)
// Do the encryption.
// See https://romulusae.github.io/romulus/docs/Romulusv1.3.pdf for more information.
let state = zeroedBuffer(16)
let c = zeroedBuffer(16)
let x = 8
for (let i = 1; i < Math.floor((parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength) / 2) + 1; i++) {
[state, c] = rho(state, combinedData[2 * i - 1])
for (let i = 1; i < Math.floor((associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockCount) / 2) + 1; i++) {
[state] = rho(state, combinedDataBlocks[2 * i - 1])
counter = increaseCounter(counter)
if (i === Math.floor(parsedAssociatedDataLength / 2) + 1) {
if (i === Math.floor(associatedDataBlockCount / 2) + 1) {
x = x ^ 4
state = skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, x, combinedData[2 * i], key))
state = skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, x, combinedDataBlocks[2 * i], key))
counter = increaseCounter(counter)
if (parsedAssociatedDataLength % 2 === parsedMessageLength % 2) {
[state, c] = rho(state, zeroedBuffer(16))
if (associatedDataBlockCount % 2 === messageBlockCount % 2) {
[state] = rho(state, zeroedBuffer(16))
} else {
[state, c] = rho(state, combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength])
[state] = rho(state, combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockCount])
counter = increaseCounter(counter)
[state, c] = rho(skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, domainSeparation, nonce, key)), zeroedBuffer(16))
const [,authenticationTag] = rho(skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, domainSeparation, nonce, key)), zeroedBuffer(16))
if (message.length === 0) {
return c
return authenticationTag
state = [...c]
const ciphertext = []
const originalLastBlockLength = parsedMessage[parsedMessageLength].length
parsedMessage[parsedMessageLength] = pad(parsedMessage[parsedMessageLength], 16)
state = [...authenticationTag]
counter = resetCounter()
for (let i = 1; i < parsedMessageLength + 1; i++) {
const originalFinalMessageBlockLength = messageBlocks[messageBlockCount].length
messageBlocks[messageBlockCount] = pad(messageBlocks[messageBlockCount], 16)
for (let i = 1; i < messageBlockCount + 1; i++) {
state = skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, 4, nonce, key))
let x
[state, x] = rho(state, parsedMessage[i])
let cBlock
[state, cBlock] = rho(state, messageBlocks[i])
counter = increaseCounter(counter)
if (i < parsedMessageLength) {
if (i < messageBlockCount) {
} else {
ciphertext.push(...x.slice(0, originalLastBlockLength))
ciphertext.push(...cBlock.slice(0, originalFinalMessageBlockLength))
// The authentication tag is stored in the final 16 bytes of the ciphertext.
return ciphertext
* Decrypt a message using the Romulus-M cryptography specification.
* @param ciphertext The ciphertext to decrypt.
* @param associatedData The associated data.
* @param nonce The nonce.
* @param key The key.
* @returns The decrypted plaintext.
export function cryptoAeadDecrypt (ciphertext: number[], associatedData: number[], nonce: number[], key: number[]): number[] {
// Buffer for decrypted message.
const message = []
// The authentication tag is represented by the last 16 bytes of the ciphertext.
// The authentication tag is represented by the final 16 bytes of the ciphertext.
const authenticationTag = ciphertext.slice(-16)
ciphertext.length -= 16
// Reset state and counter.
let state = zeroedBuffer(16)
let counter = resetCounter()
if (ciphertext.length !== 0) {
// Combine the ciphertext
state = [...authenticationTag]
const parsedCiphertext = parse(ciphertext, 16)
const parsedCiphertextLength = parsedCiphertext.length - 1
const finalCiphertextBlockLength = parsedCiphertext[parsedCiphertextLength].length
parsedCiphertext[parsedCiphertextLength] = pad(parsedCiphertext[parsedCiphertextLength], 16)
const ciphertextBlocks = parse(ciphertext, 16)
const ciphertextBlockCount = ciphertextBlocks.length - 1
const finalCiphertextBlockLength = ciphertextBlocks[ciphertextBlockCount].length
ciphertextBlocks[ciphertextBlockCount] = pad(ciphertextBlocks[ciphertextBlockCount], 16)
for (let i = 1; i < parsedCiphertextLength + 1; i++) {
for (let i = 1; i < ciphertextBlockCount + 1; i++) {
state = skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, 4, nonce, key))
let mBlock
[state, mBlock] = inverseRoh(state, parsedCiphertext[i])
[state, mBlock] = inverseRoh(state, ciphertextBlocks[i])
counter = increaseCounter(counter)
if (i < parsedCiphertextLength) {
if (i < ciphertextBlockCount) {
} else {
message.push(...mBlock.slice(0, finalCiphertextBlockLength))
@ -295,47 +314,50 @@ export function cryptoAeadDecrypt (ciphertext: number[], associatedData: number[
state = []
// Reset state and counter.
state = zeroedBuffer(16)
counter = resetCounter()
const parsedAssociatedData = parse(associatedData, 16)
const parsedAssociatedDataLength = parsedAssociatedData.length - 1
// Carve the message and associated data into blocks.
const messageBlocks = parse(message, 16)
const messageBlockLength = messageBlocks.length - 1
const parsedMessage = parse(message, 16)
const parsedMessageLength = parsedMessage.length - 1
const associatedDataBlocks = parse(associatedData, 16)
const associatedDataBlockCount = associatedDataBlocks.length - 1
// Concatenate the parsed message and the associated data, excluding each array's first element.
const combinedData = parsedAssociatedData.slice(1).concat(parsedMessage.slice(1))
// Concatenate the message and associated data blocks, excluding each array's first element.
const combinedData = associatedDataBlocks.slice(1).concat(messageBlocks.slice(1))
// Insert empty array at position 0.
combinedData.splice(0, 0, [])
// Calculate domain separation for final decryption stage.
const domainSeparation = calculateDomainSeparation(combinedData, parsedMessageLength, parsedAssociatedDataLength)
const domainSeparation = calculateDomainSeparation(combinedData, messageBlockLength, associatedDataBlockCount)
// Pad combined data.
combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength] = pad(combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength], 16)
combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength] = pad(combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength], 16)
combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount] = pad(combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount], 16)
combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockLength] = pad(combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockLength], 16)
let x = 8
for (let i = 1; i < Math.floor((parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength) / 2) + 1; i++) {
for (let i = 1; i < Math.floor((associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockLength) / 2) + 1; i++) {
[state] = rho(state, combinedData[2 * i - 1])
counter = increaseCounter(counter)
if (i === Math.floor(parsedAssociatedDataLength / 2) + 1) {
if (i === Math.floor(associatedDataBlockCount / 2) + 1) {
x = x ^ 4
state = skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, x, combinedData[2 * i], key))
counter = increaseCounter(counter)
if (parsedAssociatedDataLength % 2 === parsedMessageLength % 2) {
if (associatedDataBlockCount % 2 === messageBlockLength % 2) {
[state] = rho(state, zeroedBuffer(16))
} else {
[state] = rho(state, combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength])
[state] = rho(state, combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockLength])
counter = increaseCounter(counter)
let computedTag
[state, computedTag] = rho(skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, domainSeparation, nonce, key)), zeroedBuffer(16))
// Calculate authentication tag.
const [,computedTag] = rho(skinnyEncrypt(state, tweakeyEncode(counter, domainSeparation, nonce, key)), zeroedBuffer(16))
let compare = 0
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {