
316 lines
13 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.cryptoAeadDecrypt = exports.cryptoAeadEncrypt = void 0;
const constants_1 = require("./constants");
const skinny_128_384_plus_1 = require("./skinny-128-384-plus");
* Parse message into blocks.
* @param message The message to parse.
* @param blockLength The block length.
* @returns An array of blocks.
function parse(message, blockLength) {
// Keep track of position in message currently parsed into blocks.
let cursor = 0;
// Slice message into blocks.
let ret = [];
while (message.length - cursor >= blockLength) {
ret.push(...[message.slice(cursor, cursor + blockLength)]);
cursor = cursor + blockLength;
// Append any remaining blocks regardless of block length. These will be padded later.
if (message.length - cursor > 0) {
// If no message, return a single block.
if (message.length === 0) {
ret = [[]];
// Insert empty array at position 0.
ret.splice(0, 0, []);
return ret;
* Pads the byte length of message to padLength. The final byte (when padded) contains the original message length.
* @param message The message to pad.
* @param padLength The length to pad the message to.
* @returns A padded block.
function pad(message, padLength) {
// If there is no message, return a fully padded block.
if (message.length === 0) {
return Array(16).fill(0);
// Return a copy of the message if no padding is required.
if (message.length === padLength) {
return [...message];
// Pad a copy of the message to padLength.
const ret = [...message];
const requiredPadding = padLength - message.length - 1;
// Set the final byte of the padded blocked to the length of the original message.
ret[padLength - 1] = message.length;
return ret;
* Generate the key stream from the internal state by multiplying the state S and the constant matrix G.
* @param state The state from which the key stream will be generated.
* @returns The key stream.
function g(state) {
return => {
return (x >> 1) ^ (x & 0x80) ^ ((x & 0x01) << 7);
* The state update function. Pads an M block.
* @param state The internal state, S.
* @param mBlock An M block.
* @returns [S', C] where S' = M ⊕ S and C = M ⊕ G(S)
function rho(state, mBlock) {
// G(S)
const gOfS = g(state);
// C = M ⊕ G(S)
const c = [...Array(16).keys()].map(i => mBlock[i] ^ gOfS[i]);
// S' = M ⊕ S
const nextState = [...Array(16).keys()].map(i => state[i] ^ mBlock[i]);
return [nextState, c];
* The state update function. Pads a C block.
* @param state The internal state, S.
* @param cBlock A C block.
* @returns [S', M] where M = C ⊕ G(S) and S' = C ⊕ M.
function inverseRoh(state, cBlock) {
// G(S)
const gOfS = g(state);
// M = C ⊕ G(S)
const mBlock = [...Array(16).keys()].map(i => cBlock[i] ^ gOfS[i]);
// S' = S ⊕ M
const nextState = [...Array(16).keys()].map(i => state[i] ^ mBlock[i]);
return [nextState, mBlock];
* Increments the 56 bit LFSR-based counter.
* @param counter The old counter.
* @returns An incremented counter.
function increaseCounter(counter) {
const fb0 = counter[6] >> 7;
counter[6] = (counter[6] << 1) | (counter[5] >> 7);
counter[5] = (counter[5] << 1) | (counter[4] >> 7);
counter[4] = (counter[4] << 1) | (counter[3] >> 7);
counter[3] = (counter[3] << 1) | (counter[2] >> 7);
counter[2] = (counter[2] << 1) | (counter[1] >> 7);
counter[1] = (counter[1] << 1) | (counter[0] >> 7);
if (fb0 === 1) {
counter[0] = (counter[0] << 1) ^ 0x95;
else {
counter[0] = (counter[0] << 1);
return counter;
* Returns a reset counter.
* @returns A reset counter.
function resetCounter() {
const counter = Array(constants_1.COUNTER_LENGTH).fill(0);
counter[0] = 1;
return counter;
* Returns a zeroed buffer.
* @param bufferLength The length of the buffer to return.
* @returns A zeroed buffer.
function zeroedBuffer(bufferLength) {
return Array(bufferLength).fill(0);
* Calculate the domain separation.
* @param combinedData The parsed and concatenated message and associated data,
* @param parsedMessageLength The length of the parsed message.
* @param parsedAssociatedDataLength The length of the parsed associated data.
function calculateDomainSeparation(combinedData, parsedMessageLength, parsedAssociatedDataLength) {
let domainSeparation = 16;
if (combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength].length < 16) {
domainSeparation = domainSeparation ^ 2;
if (combinedData[parsedAssociatedDataLength + parsedMessageLength].length < 16) {
domainSeparation = domainSeparation ^ 1;
if (parsedAssociatedDataLength % 2 === 0) {
domainSeparation = domainSeparation ^ 8;
if (parsedMessageLength % 2 === 0) {
domainSeparation = domainSeparation ^ 4;
return domainSeparation;
* Encrypt a message using the Romulus-M cryptography specification.
* @param message The message to encrypt.
* @param associatedData The associated data to encrypt.
* @param nonce A 128 bit nonce.
* @param key A 128 bit encryption key.
* @returns The encrypted ciphertext.
function cryptoAeadEncrypt(message, associatedData, nonce, key) {
// Buffer for ciphertext.
const ciphertext = [];
// Reset state and counter.
let state = zeroedBuffer(16);
let counter = resetCounter();
// Carve message and associated data into blocks.
const messageBlocks = parse(message, 16);
const messageBlockCount = messageBlocks.length - 1;
const associatedDataBlocks = parse(associatedData, 16);
const associatedDataBlockCount = associatedDataBlocks.length - 1;
// Concatenate the message and associated data blocks, excluding each array's first element.
const combinedDataBlocks = associatedDataBlocks.slice(1).concat(messageBlocks.slice(1));
// Insert empty array at position 0.
combinedDataBlocks.splice(0, 0, []);
// Calculate domain separation for final encryption stage.
const domainSeparation = calculateDomainSeparation(combinedDataBlocks, messageBlockCount, associatedDataBlockCount);
// Pad combined data.
combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount] = pad(combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount], 16);
combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockCount] = pad(combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockCount], 16);
// Do the encryption.
// See for more information.
let x = 8;
for (let i = 1; i < Math.floor((associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockCount) / 2) + 1; i++) {
[state] = rho(state, combinedDataBlocks[2 * i - 1]);
counter = increaseCounter(counter);
if (i === Math.floor(associatedDataBlockCount / 2) + 1) {
x = x ^ 4;
state = (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.skinnyEncrypt)(state, (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.tweakeyEncode)(counter, x, combinedDataBlocks[2 * i], key));
counter = increaseCounter(counter);
if (associatedDataBlockCount % 2 === messageBlockCount % 2) {
[state] = rho(state, zeroedBuffer(16));
else {
[state] = rho(state, combinedDataBlocks[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockCount]);
counter = increaseCounter(counter);
const [, authenticationTag] = rho((0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.skinnyEncrypt)(state, (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.tweakeyEncode)(counter, domainSeparation, nonce, key)), zeroedBuffer(16));
if (message.length === 0) {
return authenticationTag;
state = [...authenticationTag];
counter = resetCounter();
const originalFinalMessageBlockLength = messageBlocks[messageBlockCount].length;
messageBlocks[messageBlockCount] = pad(messageBlocks[messageBlockCount], 16);
for (let i = 1; i < messageBlockCount + 1; i++) {
state = (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.skinnyEncrypt)(state, (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.tweakeyEncode)(counter, 4, nonce, key));
let cBlock;
[state, cBlock] = rho(state, messageBlocks[i]);
counter = increaseCounter(counter);
if (i < messageBlockCount) {
else {
ciphertext.push(...cBlock.slice(0, originalFinalMessageBlockLength));
// The authentication tag is stored in the final 16 bytes of the ciphertext.
return ciphertext;
exports.cryptoAeadEncrypt = cryptoAeadEncrypt;
* Decrypt a message using the Romulus-M cryptography specification.
* @param ciphertext The ciphertext to decrypt.
* @param associatedData The associated data.
* @param nonce The nonce.
* @param key The key.
* @returns The decrypted plaintext.
function cryptoAeadDecrypt(ciphertext, associatedData, nonce, key) {
// Buffer for decrypted message.
const message = [];
// The authentication tag is represented by the final 16 bytes of the ciphertext.
const authenticationTag = ciphertext.slice(-16);
ciphertext.length -= 16;
// Reset state and counter.
let state = zeroedBuffer(16);
let counter = resetCounter();
if (ciphertext.length !== 0) {
// Combine the ciphertext
state = [...authenticationTag];
const ciphertextBlocks = parse(ciphertext, 16);
const ciphertextBlockCount = ciphertextBlocks.length - 1;
const finalCiphertextBlockLength = ciphertextBlocks[ciphertextBlockCount].length;
ciphertextBlocks[ciphertextBlockCount] = pad(ciphertextBlocks[ciphertextBlockCount], 16);
for (let i = 1; i < ciphertextBlockCount + 1; i++) {
state = (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.skinnyEncrypt)(state, (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.tweakeyEncode)(counter, 4, nonce, key));
let mBlock;
[state, mBlock] = inverseRoh(state, ciphertextBlocks[i]);
counter = increaseCounter(counter);
if (i < ciphertextBlockCount) {
else {
message.push(...mBlock.slice(0, finalCiphertextBlockLength));
else {
state = [];
// Reset state and counter.
state = zeroedBuffer(16);
counter = resetCounter();
// Carve the message and associated data into blocks.
const messageBlocks = parse(message, 16);
const messageBlockLength = messageBlocks.length - 1;
const associatedDataBlocks = parse(associatedData, 16);
const associatedDataBlockCount = associatedDataBlocks.length - 1;
// Concatenate the message and associated data blocks, excluding each array's first element.
const combinedData = associatedDataBlocks.slice(1).concat(messageBlocks.slice(1));
// Insert empty array at position 0.
combinedData.splice(0, 0, []);
// Calculate domain separation for final decryption stage.
const domainSeparation = calculateDomainSeparation(combinedData, messageBlockLength, associatedDataBlockCount);
// Pad combined data.
combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount] = pad(combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount], 16);
combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockLength] = pad(combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockLength], 16);
let x = 8;
for (let i = 1; i < Math.floor((associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockLength) / 2) + 1; i++) {
[state] = rho(state, combinedData[2 * i - 1]);
counter = increaseCounter(counter);
if (i === Math.floor(associatedDataBlockCount / 2) + 1) {
x = x ^ 4;
state = (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.skinnyEncrypt)(state, (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.tweakeyEncode)(counter, x, combinedData[2 * i], key));
counter = increaseCounter(counter);
if (associatedDataBlockCount % 2 === messageBlockLength % 2) {
[state] = rho(state, zeroedBuffer(16));
else {
[state] = rho(state, combinedData[associatedDataBlockCount + messageBlockLength]);
counter = increaseCounter(counter);
// Calculate authentication tag.
const [, computedTag] = rho((0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.skinnyEncrypt)(state, (0, skinny_128_384_plus_1.tweakeyEncode)(counter, domainSeparation, nonce, key)), zeroedBuffer(16));
let compare = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
compare |= (authenticationTag[i] ^ computedTag[i]);
if (compare !== 0) {
return [];
else {
return message;
exports.cryptoAeadDecrypt = cryptoAeadDecrypt;