# IW4x in Docker [![Build Status](https://drone.jacknet.io/api/badges/jackhadrill/IW4xDocker/status.svg)](https://drone.jacknet.io/jackhadrill/IW4xDocker) This repository contains the necessary ingredients for running IW4x in Docker. ## Usage instructions Use the following `docker-compose.yml` file in order to setup IW4x. ```yml version: '3' services: iw4x: image: git.jacknet.io/jackhadrill/iw4xdocker:latest volumes: - data: /game ports: - '28961:28961/tcp' - '28961:28961/udp' volumes: data: ``` Follow the instructions [here](https://xlabs.dev/support_iw4x_server) in order to download the IW4x files and prepare them for use. Once done, place these in the `data` volume such that `iw4x.exe` is mounted to `/game/iw4x.exe` within the container. Configuration files should be placed in `userraw/server.cfg` within the `data` volume.