// TODO: add verification var BitField = require('BitField') var bncode = require('bncode') var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter var inherits = require('inherits') var PIECE_LENGTH = 16 * 1024 module.exports = function (metadata) { inherits(ut_metadata, EventEmitter) function ut_metadata (wire) { EventEmitter.call(this) this._wire = wire this._metadataComplete = false this._metadataSize = null this._remainingRejects = null // how many reject messages to tolerate before quitting this._fetching = false this._bitfield = new BitField(0) if (metadata) { this._gotMetadata(metadata) } } Object.defineProperty(ut_metadata.prototype, '_numPieces', { get: function () { return Math.ceil(this._metadataSize / PIECE_LENGTH) } }) ut_metadata.prototype.onHandshake = function () { } ut_metadata.prototype.onExtendedHandshake = function (handshake) { this._metadataSize = handshake.metadata_size if (this._metadataSize && this._fetching) { this._requestPieces() } } ut_metadata.prototype.onMessage = function (buf) { var dict, trailer try { var str = buf.toString() var trailerIndex = str.indexOf('ee') + 2 dict = bncode.decode(str.substring(0, trailerIndex)) trailer = buf.slice(trailerIndex) } catch (err) { this.emit('warning', new Error('Could not decode ut_metadata message')) return } switch (dict.msg_type) { case 0: // ut_metadata request (from peer) // example: { 'msg_type': 0, 'piece': 0 } this._onRequest(dict.piece) break case 1: // ut_metadata data (in response to our request) // example: { 'msg_type': 1, 'piece': 0, 'total_size': 3425 } this._onData(dict.piece, trailer, dict.total_size) break case 2: // ut_metadata reject (peer doesn't have piece we requested) // { 'msg_type': 2, 'piece': 0 } this._onReject(dict.piece) break } } // Expose high-level, friendly API (fetch/cancel) ut_metadata.prototype.fetch = function () { if (this._metadataComplete) { return } this._fetching = true if (this._metadataSize) { this._requestPieces() } } ut_metadata.prototype.cancel = function () { this._fetching = false } ut_metadata.prototype._gotMetadata = function (_metadata) { this.cancel() this.metadata = _metadata this._metadataComplete = true this._metadataSize = this.metadata.length this._wire.extendedHandshake.metadata_size = this._metadataSize this.emit('metadata', this.metadata) } ut_metadata.prototype._send = function (dict, trailer) { var buf = bncode.encode(dict) if (Buffer.isBuffer(trailer)) { buf = Buffer.concat([buf, trailer]) } this._wire.extended('ut_metadata', buf) } ut_metadata.prototype._request = function (piece) { this._send({ msg_type: 0, piece: piece }) } ut_metadata.prototype._data = function (piece, buf, totalSize) { var msg = { msg_type: 1, piece: piece } if (typeof totalSize === 'number') { msg.total_size = totalSize } this._send(msg, buf) } ut_metadata.prototype._reject = function (piece) { this._send({ msg_type: 2, piece: piece }) } ut_metadata.prototype._onRequest = function (piece) { if (this._metadataComplete) { var start = piece * PIECE_LENGTH var end = start + PIECE_LENGTH if (end > this._metadataSize) { end = this._metadataSize } var buf = this.metadata.slice(start, end) this._data(piece, buf, this._metadataSize) } } ut_metadata.prototype._onData = function (piece, buf, totalSize) { if (buf.length > PIECE_LENGTH) { return } buf.copy(this.metadata, piece * PIECE_LENGTH) this._bitfield.set(piece) this._checkDone() } ut_metadata.prototype._onReject = function (piece) { if (this._remainingRejects > 0 && this._fetching) { // If we haven't been rejected too much, then try to request the piece again this._request(piece) this._remainingRejects -= 1 } else { this.emit('warning', new Error('Peer sent "reject" too much')) } } ut_metadata.prototype._requestPieces = function () { this.metadata = new Buffer(this._metadataSize) this._remainingRejects = this._numPieces for (var piece = 0; piece < this._numPieces; piece++) { this._request(piece) } } ut_metadata.prototype._checkDone = function () { var done = true for (var piece = 0; piece < this._numPieces; piece++) { if (!this._bitfield.get(piece)) { done = false break } } if (!done) return // TODO: verify this._gotMetadata(this.metadata) } return ut_metadata }