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# Accelerated_Wireguard
A hardware accelerated wireguard project using commercial FPGAs
## How to use the VHDL portion of this codebase
<p> While some of this might be being used in a synthesised image, much of the codebase *should* include the tools to simulate certain functionalities.<br>
To get the simulations up and running in linux please do the following:<br>
1) Open up a terminal window<br>
2) Label one of them "build window" and the other "results window"<br>
3) In the "build window" type in "sudo docker run -it --rm -v /tmp:/tmp -v ${MY_GIT_LOCATION}:/mnt -e DISPLAY cocotb_test". For me I use "sudo docker run -it --rm -v /tmp:/tmp -v /home/xavi/projects:/mnt -e DISPLAY cocotb_test"<br>
4) In the "build window" you will be prompted for your password. Please enter it<br>
5) In the "build window" you will find the codebase tree in the /mnt directory. You can navigate to your test from there<br>
6) In the "build window", once in your test folder, to run the test type in "make sim SIM_ARGS=--vcd=${OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME}.vcd". For me I use "make sim SIM_ARGS=--vcd=foo.vcd" often<br>
7) In your "results window" navigate to the same test folder you are in in your "build window"<br>
8) In your "results window" you will see a sub folder called "sim_build". Wnter that folder<br>
9) In your "results window" type the following to open the gtkwave viewer for the output waveform "gtkwave ${OUTPUT_WAVE_FILE_NAME}.vcd". For me I use "gtkwave foo.vcd "<br>